Ultra Lotto - 30 draws
Image Chart
Image Chart
Draw Nr. | Date | Odd |
1369 | 21.01.2025 | 4 |
1370 | 24.01.2025 | 4 |
1371 | 26.01.2025 | 2 |
1372 | 28.01.2025 | 2 |
1373 | 31.01.2025 | 2 |
1374 | 02.02.2025 | 2 |
1375 | 04.02.2025 | 1 |
1376 | 07.02.2025 | 2 |
1377 | 09.02.2025 | 4 |
1378 | 11.02.2025 | 6 |
1379 | 14.02.2025 | 4 |
1380 | 16.02.2025 | 5 |
1381 | 18.02.2025 | 4 |
1382 | 21.02.2025 | 1 |
1383 | 23.02.2025 | 2 |
1384 | 25.02.2025 | 4 |
1385 | 28.02.2025 | 2 |
1386 | 02.03.2025 | 3 |
1387 | 04.03.2025 | 2 |
1388 | 07.03.2025 | 3 |
1389 | 09.03.2025 | 3 |
1390 | 11.03.2025 | 6 |
1391 | 14.03.2025 | 3 |
1392 | 16.03.2025 | 3 |
1393 | 18.03.2025 | 4 |
1394 | 21.03.2025 | 3 |
1395 | 23.03.2025 | 4 |
1396 | 25.03.2025 | 1 |
1397 | 28.03.2025 | 4 |
1398 | 30.03.2025 | 2 |
PCSO LOTTO Odd numbers count - How to use
Statistics of number of odd numbers per draw shows you how many numbers were odd in respective to all numbers
Use this tool to generate your odd numbers for maximum of 200 past draws of any PCSO lottery game..
Last generated chart of odd numbers count is presented below.